Criminal Defense Attorneys
Representing Accused Individuals in Denton County for Decades
Awesome job
- Antonio -
Great service
- Christina -
Great work!
- Joe -
Took care of me!
- Michael W -
Very Professional
- Tapiwa C.
Nuestras Àreas de Práctica
- Appeals
- Assault / Family Violence
- Criminal Conduct & Aliens
- Criminal Procedure
- Disorderly Conduct
- Domestic Violence
- Drug Charges
- Expungement/Expunction
- Felony
- Firearm Offenses
- Juvenile Charges
- Juvenile Defense
- Misdemeanor
- Non-Disclosure
- Probation Revocation
- Probation Violations
- Resisting Arrest
- Search & Seizure
- Sex Crimes
- Theft Charges
- Violent Crimes
- Warrants
- White Collar Crimes
Criminal defense attorneys
Representing Accused Individuals in Denton County & Collin Countyfor Decades with Unparalleled Results
Dedicated toYour Needs
If you are charged with a crime, we can provide you with experienced and aggressive representation.
Why Choose Us? -
Seal Your DWI Conviction
Expanding eligibility for orders of Non-Disclosure for first-time DWI and other offenses.
Non-Disclosure -
Free InitialConsultation
Contact our office and schedule your free no-obligation case evaluation with our team today.
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